High Street Heroes - Awards Guidelines

06 June 2023

High Street Heroes - Awards Guidelines

Vote Independent! Vote for your High Street Hero!

Through our High Street Heroes NI campaign, Retail NI in partnership with Belfast Live, Camelot, Roam & Strategic Power is giving you an opportunity to highlight and celebrate Northern Irelands amazing independent retailers and local high streets.


Our awards are different. There are no judges, the winners are decided by the public through an online vote. It’s the customers that decide who the winner is.

This year we are delighted to announce 2 new Categories in the campaign – Best Green Retailer & Best Generalist Retailer.

From Independents Day 4th July, we will give you the opportunity to vote online for your favourite independent retailer across 13 categories. 

Our biggest and most popular categories are the High Street of the Year and the Independent Retailer of the Year.

High Street Heroes NI is the biggest ever showcase of our amazing worldclass local independent retailers and the huge contribution they make to our local communities and high streets as well as local suppliers.

70pence in every £1 spent with a local independent retailer is recycled around the economy, helping local farmers, producers, manufacturers and above all else our local communities.

Make sure you vote!


Best Butcher
Sponsored by Harbinson Mulholland


You can vote for in-store or stand-alone Butchers.


Best Coffee Shop
Sponsored by Berties Bakery


You can vote for in-store or stand-alone coffee shops.


Best Convenience Store

Sponsored by Bobby’s Foods



Best Deli/Bakery 
Sponsored by Aryzta


You can vote for in-store or stand-alone Delis/Bakeries


Best Fashion Retailer
Sponsored by Danske Bank



Best Forecourt
Sponsored by Pivotal


This is for independently owned forecourts including all the main symbol groups.


Best Generalist Retailer
Sponsored by AIB


You can vote for all other independent retailers not covered in an existing category e.g book shop, greengrocers, pet shops etc.


Best Green Retailer
Sponsored by Strategic Power


Those seeking to enter this category need submit a 30 second video demonstrating how their business are green, eg recycling, energy efficiency etc. The video must be submitted to us no later than 23rd June to ensure it will be uploaded to the voting platform.


Best Healthcare Retailer
Sponsored by Eir Evo


This includes Chemists, Opticians and other independently owned businesses that sell healthcare products and services.


High Street of the Year
Sponsored by Fibrus


Open to entries from high streets in any local village, town or city in Northern Ireland.


Best Homeware Retailer
Sponsored by Bank of Ireland


 This includes independently owned kitchen, hardware or furniture retailer.


Best Off Licence 
Sponsored by United Wines


You can vote for in-store or stand-alone off licences.


Overall Independent Retailer
Sponsored by Camelot


Chosen from the list of winners who has polled the most votes.



To Vote

Go to www.belfastlive.co.uk/HSH, enter as many or as few categories as you choose.


Once you are happy with your entry click submit